Each year we like to look over what our top posts from the previous year were. Besides just being interesting to us as the creators behind the posts, it helps to see what kind of things you guys are loving so that we can keep sharing what interests you! And it’s always interesting to see if the things we loved creating and sharing the most were as popular with you (we shared a few of our personal favs at the bottom of the post!).
9. DIY Dowel Wall Hooks
3. DIY Crochet Slippers
Did you see your favorite post from 2018 on the list? If not, what was it? We love to hear what posts you love to see/read about.
Wondering what our favorite projects were? For Manda, a couple of my favorites did make the list – the patio and desk. The patio because sooo much was put into that and I’m so grateful to have it, the desk because I just love it. I had a couple favs that didn’t make the list – mermaid hair spray (’cause I use this everyday and love it) and the strawberry cake, because I’m asked to make it pretty often, so it’s nice to finally have the recipe here in my recipe box 😉, and it’s just so good. For Caitlin, one of her favorites projects made the list – which was your favorite as well, the house doormat. And there were a few favs that didn’t make the list – the food truck costume, the wooden wall mount rack, and her living room – because it was so nice to finally get that project done!
And if you’re wondering about that first photo, that’s a throw back to last year’s top post – our DIY Ladder Plant Stand.