DIY House Doormat

Who doesn’t love a cute or clever doormat?! We haven’t had a doormat since moving into this house, just a rug near the shoe area out on the front porch. But now that the season has come that we’ll be coming in and out of the back door with dirty shoes from gardening and just being out in the backyard, I figure I should put one out by the back door. I decided I should try to DIY one since even if all went wrong, not many people would see it by the back door anyways. Ha! (Disclaimer – this is not my backdoor… I took it somewhere else to shoot it because the back of our house is very unfinished right now.) We have a lot of traditional style homes and lots of old farmhouses around our area so we don’t often see any mid-century modern, Palm Springs-esque houses around here. Not to mention big amazing cacti as landscaping is just not an option around here. I thought it would be fun to make a little house shaped doormat that’s bright, modern, and full of cacti just like the inside of our house! You can make any house you want – make your childhood home or your dream house! You can even paint the front door whatever color you want! 😉DIY House Doormat @themerrythoughtWhat you need:
Plain Doormat
-Boxcutter or x-acto knife
-Paint brush

How to make it:
-Browse through images of houses that you like and decide on a shape.
-Use a yardstick to outline the shape of the house on the backside of the doormat. (See photo below.) Keep in mind that once you flip the doormat over the house will be backwards… so I had to draw the chimney in on the left side to have it on the right side when I flipped it over.
DIY House Doormat @themerrythought-Once the outline is drawn, use a boxcutter or x-acto knife to cut out the house. (See photo below.)DIY House Doormat @themerrythought-Flip the doormat over and first paint on any outlines that you want. (See photo below.) It helped me to draw out a sketch of how I wanted the house to look beforehand so I didn’t make as many mistakes.
DIY House Doormat @themerrythought-Then you can add in any colors and fillers that you want.
-Let dry and set outside your door! DIY House Doormat @themerrythoughtDIY House Doormat @themerrythoughtDIY House Doormat @themerrythoughtWhat kind of house would you make yours?


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