DIY Painted Lantern Lights

There’s something to be said about the magical glow a garland of string lights can bring to a room or gathering! We love to use them at our get togethers and just as decor around our homes. We’ve done a couple other projects in the past to upgrade string lights – by painting the light strand and adding some greenery; and today’s project is another light strand upgrade! We loved these lantern lights we found at Michaels, but wanted to add a touch of color so that they would show up a bit more against our white walls. We found this spray paint kit at Michaels (not available online right now) and you can use it with any satin craft paint you want! Michaels has a huge selection of paint and we finally settled on grey & a light pink (came out more like white though) for this project, as we wanted to keep a neutral color scheme so that it would go with any decor we were using. It was fun to be able to make our own spray paint using the kit and now we’ve got anther pretty light strand to hang!DIY Painted Lantern Lights @themerrythoughtDIY Painted Lantern Lights @themerrythoughtMaterials

lantern lights
Martha Stewart Spray Paint Kit (we found ours at Michaels, but it’s not listed on their site right now)
craft paint, in desired colors (we used MS Arrowhead and Ballet Slipper, which actually came out more like white instead of pink)
– tissues or tape DIY Painted Lantern Lights @themerrythoughtDirections:
Remove lantern globes from light strand (they should pop off the plastic form pretty easily). Stuff the inside with a tissue (or you can tape it) – you don’t want paint to go inside the globe while spraying. Assemble the spray paint kit following the directions on the box. Spray your globes. We did a coat of grey, let it dry and then did a very light spray of pink over the grey. Once it’s dry, reattach lantern globes to light strand. Hang and enjoy! DIY Painted Lantern Lights @themerrythoughtDIY Painted Lantern Lights @themerrythoughtLooking for even more inspiration? Make sure you visit Michaels’ blog, The Glue String, to see the rest of the Michaels Makers’ DIY projects!

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