This is one of those recipes I’ve had on my list to try for a couple years and kept pushing it off for some reason or another. I’d seen a few variations of peach s’mores on Pinterest and really wanted to try it out. S’mores are one of my favorites and peach season is in full swing around here; and I guess since I’ve been all about grilling different foods recently, I felt inspired to throw some peaches on the grill and enjoy them s’mores style! Just in time to enjoy for summer’s last big hurrah (Labor Day weekend)!
These peach s’mores are delicious and a fun variation on your typical s’mores! The grilled peaches are sooo good – so even if s’mores aren’t your thing (I’m not even sure how’s that possible though!), you should definitely give the grilled peaches a try! They’re good on their own, or as an ice cream topping! 😉
Of course I think these s’mores pair best with homemade graham crackers – those make all s’mores taste better! And since I was making homemade graham crackers, might as well make some homemade marshmallows too, right?! (I will say, as I’ve noted before in the past, that homemade marshmallows taste 100 times better than store bought, but they don’t toast up as nicely – I had to work hard to get these golden without being scorched!)Grilled Peach S’mores
Grilled Peaches:
– peaches, sliced
– pure maple syrup
– 2 tablespoons brown sugar
– 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
In a small bowl, stir together brown sugar & cinnamon. Place sliced peaches on a large platter or baking sheet and brush with maple syrup. Grill over medium heat for 2-4 minutes on each side or until peach slices are tender and slightly charred. Place peaches back on platter and immediately sprinkle with brown sugar mixture. (The peaches need to be hot off the grill so that the sugar will caramelize from the heat of the peaches).
To assemble s’mores: roast marshmallows over fire (or grill). Top a graham cracker square with chocolate, marshmallows, peach slices, and top with another graham cracker square. Enjoy!
You can find the homemade graham cracker recipe here and I used Smitten Kitchen’s recipe for my marshmallows. (I’ve made them a few times and really love her recipe!)Looking forward to enjoying s’mores around the campfire this coming weekend! Any favorite summer foods you’re savoring over the next couple weeks as summer winds down?
– Manda