One of our most frequently asked questions is about our bed and where it’s from. I always feel like it’s a bit of a disappoint to people when they find out we made it and it’s not just a simple click away from being in their shopping cart; and on the way to their home! So for those that prefer to buy and not DIY, we’ve found a few of our favorite wood spindle beds that are available to buy!
The DIY we shared for our bed is actually just for the headboard, and not the frame. That was a little more on the complicated side, and Mike didn’t want to get into trying to get those steps into an easier DIY method. We also shared a DIY for the boys twins beds, that has that similar wood spindle bed look, and that tutorial is a little easier. We also shared how to make a simple wood bed frame (twin size), in this post.
Six Beautiful Wood Spindle Beds
This round up for wood spindle beds isn’t very long – just six beds. I wanted to find the ones that had the most similar look to ours. If you’re open to getting a metal bed frame, or a painted one, that will open up more options. For now, we’re sticking with the classic, natural wood beds below…which one is your favorite?
Bodie Spindle Natural Oak Wood Bed
Perkins Spindle Bed
Carson Natural Wood Spindle Queen Bed
Jenny Lind Maple Wood Spindle Bed
Windsor Bed – Slanted Headboard
Arlinna Platform Bed
If you’re looking for more bed inspiration, check out these headboard posts and these bed/bed frame posts!