Welcome to our Merry Home Tour series! We all love looking at homes and seeing how people decorate their spaces (Marla is a realtor and gets to do that for a living – lucky!), so we thought it would be fun to do a series featuring just that. We hope you find it as enjoyable and inspiring as we do!
I’m back again with another tiny room tour from our house…the mudroom! I know, I’m kicking off this tour series with some super exciting spaces. 😉
Shortly after Mike and I were married, he added this mudroom on to the back of the house. It sat in an unfinished state for about 7 years. Finally, after getting tired of people walking into my kitchen with wet, muddy shoes on (and little boys throwing snow pants and boots all over my kitchen!), I decided we needed to hurry up and finish the room already so people could actually use it.
Thankfully, all that time waiting to finish the room gave me lots of time to figure out how I wanted the room to look and collect/make the things we would need. And thankfully I married the handiest man ever, who enjoys making things for me. 🙂
One of my favorites in this space is this vintage mirror. My husband bought it at an auction years ago. It was originally in our bathroom, but I wanted a cabinet mirror in there and thought the mirror would fit perfectly in this space.
I spotted these steer head hooks on ebay and couldn’t resist. Mike attached them to a piece of salvaged barn wood and now we have lots of space to hang coats and snow pants.
We wanted a bench where people could sit down to take their shoes on and off, so Mike crafted this amazing rustic bench. The wooden crates and metal tub are used for recyclables and bird seed storage. (They got a bit of a clean out for their big photo shoot. 😉 )
Keeping feet cozy is important, so I keep a few pairs of extra slippers handy for guests in this antique crock.
Mike came up with the idea of putting antlers around the light on the ceiling and I love how it turned out. (And now it will forever be his job to change the light bulb in there!)
Mike’s not just a pretty face and a handy carpenter, he also is a master hunter (and gatherer – some of these were found on hikes) – so I had a lot of antlers I could use. We use them as extra coat/hat hooks.
Hope you enjoyed the mudroom tour! You can see our first Merry Home Tour, my bathroom, here.
Happy Tuesday loves! Manda
*** OUR GIVEAWAY WINNER FOR THE ANTHROPOLOGIE GIFT CARD IS :: ATHENA PELTON! *** Congratulations Athena – we’ll be in touch with you. More merry giveaways will be happening here in the future!