The beginning of sweet corn season is one of the best times of the year! I could eat corn for lunch and dinner every day during these weeks and be more than okay with it. I decided to try to make some homemade corn holders because I don’t have any at my apartment (and obviously you can’t live without corn holders, people!) and I had so many leftover skewers from the roasting sticks that needed to be put to use! Now I can’t decide whether I like the cubes or rounds better!
What you need:
–Skewers (*I used leftover skewers from the roasting sticks so I only used one per holder because they are wider and hold the corn well with one pick. If you get thinner skewers, you will want to use two per holder.)
-Wooden Cubes and/or Wooden Rounds
-Super Glue
–Food Safe Wood Conditioner
How to make it:
-Use the hacksaw to cut 1.5″-2″ pieces of skewer for each holder. (One per holder for a thicker skewer, two per holder for a thinner skewer.)
-Measure to the center of the wooden cube/round and mark. (Or measure out two places about 3/8″ apart if you’re using two skewers.)
-Use a drill bit the same size as the skewers to drill 1/2″ holes in the wooden cube/round.
-Drip super glue into the holes, put skewers in, and let dry.
-Finish wood with food safe conditioner.
Tomorrow we’ll be sharing the recipe for the corn you see in the photos so come back for that because it is so dang good!
xo. Caitlin