You guys – I’m officially obsessed with water gardens after making this guy a few weeks ago. I have been making so many since then! (Did you see the adorableeee one I shared on Snapchat the other day??) It’s a fun change from normal potted plants that are already taking over my apartment… 🙂
I was scrolling through the browse section on Instagram the other day and saw this gorgeous feed and noticed some aquatic plants in simple jars in tiny terracotta pots! So I immediately went out and bought everything I needed to put this together.What you need:
Tall Pasta Jar
Potted Aquatic Plant
Small Terracotta Pot
Put it together:
-Rinse off plant and terracotta pot in room temperature water.
-Place potted plant in the terracotta pot.
-Place gently in the large jar.
-Carefully add room temperature water to cover the plants. Use the side of the jar or your hand to prevent the water from pouring directly on the plant.
*Don’t place in direct sunlight.
*After a week or so, start using aquarium plant fertilizer.
xo. Caitlin