A few months back, during the cold, dreary days of winter, Caitlin and I were meeting and going over blog business when I got a text from my brother telling us about a place in NYC that had some crazy, amazing milkshakes. (My brother lives in Brooklyn and likes to try to entice us to the city with all the delicious food & great places to visit). We spent some time drooling over the milkshakes and since we knew it would be quite a while before we could get our hands on theirs, we thought it be fun to make our versions! We immediately started brainstorming all the fun flavors that we’d like to try and now that it’s summer and the perfect weather for drinking milkshakes all day, every day, we thought it would be the perfect time to start #milkshakemonday! So we’ll be sharing some delicious shakes with you over the next few weeks that you definitely need to make! First up is this sweet & delicious Cotton Candy Milkshake – inspired by summer visits to the fair!
– cotton candy ice cream
– milk
– cotton candy
– pop rocks
– rock candy
Line rim of a tall glass with honey. Dip into pop rocks. In a blender, blend together ice cream and milk until smooth and creamy, but still thick. Pour into glass. Top with cotton candy, rock candy and a paper straw and enjoy!