We’re not sure if you can count bathing as a hobby, but we definitely would like to! Caitlin has long been a fan of soaking in the tub every chance she can get (she was so excited that her new house had a bath tub!), but I actually was not a fan of baths for a long time. And then I started running regularly, and having sore muscles, and baths suddenly became a lot more appealing. And with a new bathroom with a pretty tub, I love it even more! So we thought we’d indulge that luxury a little more by making some homemade bath salts to make our soaks even more enjoyable!
We’ve loved making our own beauty products in the past, and these salts are another favorite! They’re simple & quick to make, we made three different varieties – Rose, Lavender Mint, and Eucalyptus! We made a video showing how to make the rose bath salts, which would also make the perfect galentine gift to give – treat all your gal pals to some bath bliss this Valentine’s Day!
2 tablespoons epsom salt
2 tablespoons himalayan pink salt
1 tablespoon dried rose petals
2-3 drops rose essential oil
Add all ingredients to a bowl, stir together, and pour into a jar. Go soak in the tub and enjoy!
Lavender Mint Bath Salts
2 tablespoons epsom salt
2 tablespoons sea salt
3-4 drops lavender essential oil
2 drops peppermint essential oil
(you can add in dried lavender & mint leaves if desired, but it’s more just for looks)
Add all ingredients to a bowl, stir together, and pour into a jar. Go soak in the tub and enjoy!
Eucalyptus Bath Salts
2 tablespoons epsom salt
2 tablespoons sea salt
2-3 drops eucalyptus essential oil
(you can add in dried leaves if desired, but it’s more just for looks)
Add all ingredients to a bowl, stir together, and pour into a jar. Go soak in the tub and enjoy!
*For the essential oils, there are a lot of brands out there, I prefer Young Living (you can read more about that here), use what you like – just be sure to use high quality oils and do your research on them!