DIY Block Necklace Display

I have a couple necklaces that I wear almost every day – they usually end up getting tossed on my dresser at the end of the day because I’m too lazy to put them back in the closet with the rest of my jewelry. In my defense – the door knob to the closet from my room is broken, so I have to walk around through my cousin’s room to get into the closet… and I’m just lazy apparently! I had given away my triangle necklace displays when I moved because I had way too much stuff and was overwhelmed by packing it all up. So last week as I was getting rid of some leftover wood that we had from renovation projects, I set aside a piece of 4″x4″ post to cut it up and make a block version so I would have a place for my necklaces! Plus I hate when everything on top of my dresser is all pretty short and leaves it feeling off balance – this is the perfect thing to add a bit of height!What you need:
-4″x4″ wood
-Short nails

How to make it:
-Cut 4″x4″ to desired length.
-Sand down sides and edges.
-Choose one side of the wood to be the back and add nails at various places to hold necklaces of various lengths.
xo. Caitlin

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