Manda and I are back from a quick weekend trip up to Portland, Maine. (You can check over on IG for a few shots from the weekend – @caitlinsheree @mandamooie.) It’s been a crazy few weeks for us around here and we’re looking forward to finally getting back into our little routine here on the blog – we’ve got a lot of exciting posts coming up!
For our second edition of Mocktail Monday, we’re sharing this refreshing tea-based drink featuring orange blossom & hibiscus (because it’s floral mocktail month!) This drink is the perfect thing to whip up for all the tea-loving dads this Sunday!
Orange Blossom Hibiscus Cold Brew Tea Mocktail
1/2 cup Cold Brew Orange Blossom Hibiscus Tea (*Instructions below)
3 tbsp Fresh Orange Juice
1/2 tbsp Simple Syrup or Agave Nectar
Polar Orange Dry Soda
Combine the tea, orange juice, and sweetener and stir until mixed. Fill a glass half full of ice and add the mixture. Top off with orange dry soda. Garnish with an orange wedge or a flower.
*To make the cold brew tea I filled a mason jar with cold water, added three tea bags to the water and let it soak in the fridge overnight. (You can use loose leaf tea and strain it afterwards, I just didn’t have any on hand.)
xo. Caitlin