Black Margarita

I love a good on-theme cocktail and this dark and delicious black margarita is sure to be a hit at this year’s Halloween party! With only one week left, I’m finally getting full swing into spooky season and I’m bummed I didn’t give myself more of a head start. Basically how I feel about every holiday because I’m such a bad planner. But here we go! I have been trying to perfect my margarita recipe and this one is just amazing! I hate sweet drinks and I love when I find places that make margaritas without any sweetener. Sadly not many places do but this recipe is the perfect purely tequila, orange liqueur, and lime recipe that I can always count on.

You’ll want a good quality tequila (I usually use a blanco), some Cointreau (you can use triple sec or any orange liqueur but I think Cointreau is worth the extra money for the taste), and fresh squeezed lime juice. This might be odd but I found just squeezing the limes by hand gives me a sweeter taste rather than using a juicer where I feel like mine got more of a pithy bitterness to it. But that could just be me! If you’re a sweet drink lover though you can always add a bit of agave to sweeten it up a bit.

two cocktail glasses in front of cloth backdrop

Black Margarita Ingredients:

overhead shot of two cocktail glass with iced black cocktail and black sugar rim with sliced lime
Black Margarita
Course: Drinks
  • 1.75 oz tequila
  • 1 oz cointreau
  • 1 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
  • pinch of activated charcoal powder
  • ice
  • black salt or sugar
  • lime (as garnish)
  1. Combine all ingredients in shaker or mason jar with lid and shake well with ice.

  2. Rub rim of glass with a lime.

  3. Dip rim in plate of black sugar or salt.

  4. Add ice to glass.

  5. Strain shaken mixture into glass.

  6. Garnish with lime.

margaritas on marble slab with black sugar spilled around it
black margarita in ridged glass with black sugar rim and sliced lime
two cocktail glasses with in front of cloth backdrop on marble slab

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