Simple Outdoor Christmas Decor

Just wanted to (over)share some simple outdoor Christmas decor with you! Now that the outside of our house is painted (finally all four sides are done!), and I have some pretty steps to play with on our patio, I’ve been having a lot more fun with outdoor decor.

For the fall, I dressed up the steps with pumpkins and this Christmas season, may have gone a little crazy with all the tiny trees!

Minimal Outdoor Christmas Decor @themerrythought

For decorating I like to keep it simple color wise – I use mostly greenery with a few accents thrown in. (Don’t be afraid to use fake if need be, I know real trees aren’t always an option for everyone and you can find some nice looking fake greens now!).

I tried to stick with mostly potted trees in hopes that we’ll be able to plant them after. (Fingers crossed I can keep them alive that long!). I reused a lot of baskets and planters that I had around, no need to buy new everything just for holiday decor.

Most of my greens and trees are from grocery stores, it seems like they have the best selections at the best prices. For those around here, I bought most of my trees at Wegmans. Another good place to check is Home Depot & Lowes. Trader Joes has great wreaths and greenery garlands for a good price. I also try to save most of our clippings from our “big” tree to use for decor.

Minimal Outdoor Christmas Decor @themerrythoughtMinimal Outdoor Christmas Decor @themerrythoughtMinimal Outdoor Christmas Decor @themerrythoughtMinimal Outdoor Christmas Decor @themerrythoughtMinimal Outdoor Christmas Decor @themerrythoughtMinimal Outdoor Christmas Decor @themerrythoughtMinimal Outdoor Christmas Decor @themerrythoughtMinimal Outdoor Christmas Decor @themerrythought

Do you decorate outdoors for Christmas? I have so much fun doing it and usually keep rearranging things throughout the season – ha! 🌲


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