The first spring cleaning project I decided to tackle was my medicine cabinet. It’s a great project to start with because you can clean it out and organize within an hour. I’ve always just thrown everything haphazardly into a little basket I had in there and then I could never find a hair tie when I needed one or there was toothpaste all over everything. So I cleaned it out…
Before & After.
Here are a few tips:
-Take everything out and give it a thorough cleaning.
-Throw out things that you don’t use!
-Find a different place for things that you don’t use regularly. We have another drawer in our bathroom for things like bandaids, extra toothbrushes, etc. so I put some items that I don’t use often in there.
-Find some small jars to help organize. If you have a metal back to your medicine cabinet buy some magnets to help with storage. (See DIY floral magnets down below.)
What you’ll need:
Magnets, fabric, ModPodge, scissors, pencil, and a paintbrush.
How to do it:
Trace magnet on back side of fabric. Cut out the magnet shape. Use ModPodge to stick fabric on the magnet. Done!
*For the vintage spool, I just hotglued a magnet to the back. It works perfectly for hair ties.
Get cleaning!