I’ve been a fan of the DIY branch antlers for quite some time (Anna over at Annabode has a nice DIY for some!). And then recently my brother, Craig, sent me this photo and asked if I could make one for him. I loved the simple design and that it gave the option of using branches or flowers for a faux antler look! A few days after that, I was at the craft store and saw wooden plaques and some test tubes and thought, hey, I sure can make that (okay, have Mike help me make it!)! So I decided that I’d make Craig one for his birthday (umm, surprise Craig – coming to you soon! 😉 ), and thought I’d share how we did it here on the blog for those of you that are into branch antlers too!
I love how it looks and had so much fun arranging it with the few different flowers/branches I had around (and took from my mom, thanks mom!). I’m definitely going to have Mike make another one for us to keep and can’t wait to try it out with more arrangements once we finally have flowers & plants blooming around here (c’mon Spring)!
What you need:
– wooden plaque
– test tubes
– drill
– drill bit
– scrap wood
– clamps
– sandpaper
How to do it:
Measure your test tube to determine what size drill bit you’ll need (to make a hole big enough for the tube to fit into). Determine what angle you want the test tube to stick out from the plaque. Drill a hole in your scrap wood at that angle. (You’re drilling into the scrap wood first because drilling at that angle can leave some marks in the wood – you can see it in the photo of our scrap wood – so this gives your drill a guide and prevents the plaque from getting marked up). Measure and mark where you want the center of each hole to be. Clamp the scrap wood to the plaque, centering the hole you drilled over the mark on the plaque. Drill the holes. Sand any rough spots. If your plaque needs a hanger, you can either drill a small hole in the back near the top for it to hang on a nail or attach a picture frame hanger. Insert test tubes, hang on the wall, and add your flowers or branches!
And if you’re into unique vases, here’s a few more DIYs you might like: DIY Copper Chemist Vase | DIY Test Tube Bud Vases | DIY Light Bulb Vase.
– Manda