Peppermint Eggnog Milkshake

Peppermint Eggnog Milkshake @themerrythought Once November hits each year, I start looking for eggnog every time I go to the grocery store. I can’t get enough of it! I love me some peppermint too, but the eggnog makes this milkshake a winner in my book. Sooo dang good!
Peppermint Eggnog Milkshake @themerrythoughtPeppermint Eggnog Milkshake
2 parts Peppermint Ice Cream (Perry’s Peppermint Stick)
1 part Eggnog (Byrne Dairy)
Blend them together, pour it into a glass and enjoy! You can pretty up your glasses a bit by dabbing sugar water around the rim and then dipping it into some crushed peppermint. Peppermint Eggnog Milkshake @themerrythoughtPeppermint Eggnog Milkshake @themerrythought
Off to go grab a glass of eggnog now!

xo. Caitlin

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