A while back, I came across a couple different smoothie recipes over on Pinterest that were made using chai tea and was instantly intrigued. I love chai tea, and in fact, enjoy a mug of it every night (I drink Spiced Chai Black Tea, with nothing in it, I’m finding that sugary drinks just aren’t my thing anymore (bleh, I’m getting so old!), but this Chai Tea Latte used to a favorite indulgence of mine!). I was curious how chai tea would be in a smoothie, so I decided to try it…and since I’m sharing it here, you know that it was a winner in my book!
I’ve actually started making smoothies more regularly now because it’s a good way to get my boys to up their fruit & veggie intake. I love that I can sneak some greens in smoothies and they don’t even notice! We were recently talking about eating healthy with Lincoln, and he was quite annoyed to learn that I had put spinach in this smoothie and he had declared it good – ha! #momwin You can leave the spinach out if that’s not your thing, but really, you don’t notice! My nieces & nephew were over when I was making this smoothie for the shoot and so I had 6 kids taste test it and they all liked it! The chai flavor is a nice addition and a more subtle flavor. You do need to use chilled chai, as well as a frozen banana, so you’ll have to plan ahead a little when making this. I just try to keep some chai milk in the fridge now for making this. And I usually always have some frozen bananas on hand too – they’re great for any smoothies!
1 cup chai tea, made with milk, chilled (I used Bigelow Spiced Chai Black Tea)
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
1-2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 cup mixed berries (I use strawberries, raspberries & blueberries – mix of frozen & fresh)
handful of baby spinach
Add ingredients to a blender, blend until smooth. Serve immediately. Makes approximately 3 cups (enough to share 😉).
(And if you’re curious, I did blend my berries separate from the rest of the ingredients for this photo shoot, just cause I thought it would look pretty; but I stirred everything together before drinking!)
Any favorite smoothie recipes you enjoy?