After some travel, sickness, and uncooperative weather putting us behind – we’re finally sharing the first of a few Halloween costumes we put together this year! This one honestly turned out even better than I thought it would! It’s so cute – I wish I was small enough to play in it like a playhouse. Ha! I asked my friends for some name/food ideas for a food truck and one of them said Sprout & About and it just sells brussels sprouts… haha! I thought a little vegetable truck would be so cute so I went with it! I think this would also be super cute to pop over a wagon as a kids costume!
–Cardboard Food Truck Playhouse (Or you can use cardboard to make your own)
-Spray Paint
-Paint Brush
-X-acto Knife
Watch the video below for instructions on how to put it together:
Levi told me it was “so cute” and desperately wanted to crawl inside during the entire photoshoot. Ha!