…every morning for breakfast I have 2 eggs. Sometimes over easy, sometimes scrambled, every once in a while an omelet. And then we have bacon in the house and my good eating is thrown out the window. Bacon is my weakness…well, one of many if I’m honest. But oh how I love some crispy bacon!
…coffee bar shelves
…I’m so glad I live with a guy who enjoys making coffee drinks for fun so I can drink coffee all day long. Okay, only on weekends when he’s here to make it for me. Gotta get my guy working at home so I can sip coffee all the day long. (It just tastes better when someone else makes it for you!)
…out & about with my go-around pal
…I think he only plays outside so he can get hot chocolate when he comes back in!
…legos, all day every day ’round here!
…reading homework
…sandwiches for dinner are my fav (and ughh – broke the diet again…sandwiches, another weakness!)
Wishing that the weekends lasted a bit longer – happy Monday friends!