One can never have too many cake stands… or at least Manda thinks so. And I have been slightly obsessed with metal/wire projects lately (if you haven’t noticed) so I thought it would be the perfect material to make an unusual mini cake stand to use at the parties we throw.
What you need:
-A mini lamp shade that has wire attaching the top and bottom circles (I found mine at salvation army for under $1)
-A small, round cooling rack
-Pliers with wire cutter
-Some serious glue
What to do:
-Remove the fabric from the outside of the lamp shade.
-Using the wire cutter, remove the middle part of the shade that goes around the lightbulb.
-Spread glue around the top of the shade.
-Put cooling rack on top and put weight on it. Leave to dry for the recommended time on your glue. If the glue doesn’t work for you, you could use floral wire to secure them.
-Make a tiny cake and throw a party!
Make one and let us see how it turns out!