Entryway Organization

Happy 2016!! We hope that you had lovely Christmas and New Year celebrations! We so enjoyed a little bit of time off, spending it with family & friends and enjoying the merriment and joy of the season! It was nice to just relax and let things go for a bit! Sometimes ya just gotta spend time away to recharge and reconnect! And now we’re feeling inspired & motivated to start the new year – we can’t wait to see all that 2016 has in store!

Like so many others, we’ve been spending the first few days of the new year (and hopefully sticking with it for the rest of the month/year!) getting things organized, still working away at de-cluttering, and getting our homes in order after the Christmas chaos! Our Michaels Makers challenge this month, Getting Organized, fit in perfectly with getting our spaces neat & organized!
Crate Storage | Shoe Organization @themerrythoughtWe’re sharing this simple and easy way to organize your shoes. Just use a few wooden crates, paint a few if you’d like, and stack them in any pattern or design you’d like. Then fill with shoes and of course throw in a few pretty accessories too! This would be perfect for placing near your door – a good place to kick off your shoes when you come in, along with space for a few odds & ends that always come in the door with you! Of course you can use these for any number of things you need to get organized and picked up (clothes, books, toys, etc.).
Crate Storage | Shoe Organization @themerrythoughtCrate Storage | Shoe Organization @themerrythoughtCrate Storage | Shoe Organization @themerrythoughtHave you started any new projects yet this year? Be sure to check out all of the other makers’ organizing ideas here.  And check out The Glue String blog for more tips and projects all throughout the month!

© 2018 The Merrythought Collective, LLC | Logo by Craig Pierce