Please tell me some of you out there used to watch Supermarket Sweep back in the 90’s. (If you haven’t… I may or may not have included an episode below that I must require that you watch in its entirety – the last 8 minutes are the best part of the show and will help you understand our costumes.) I seriously loved this show – back before I had to go grocery shopping for myself and realized it’s the worst. Haha. But you can give in to that game show nostalgia with this Halloween costume that will make you want to steal a shopping cart and race around! You can even get yourself a new pink sweatshirt out of the deal. You can add a bunch of friends to the mix by having a few different sets of people with matching sweatshirts and one person with a button up shirt and tie holding a stack of cards like David Ruprecht. Ha! And it’s possible only 5% of the people you bump into will get the costume… but still worth it!
-White button-up (or fake half shirts we bought so we’d match each other perfectly. Ha!)
–Inflatable bonus banana
–Name tags
Maybe a shopping basket or mini shopping cart for good measure if you can’t find one from a parking lot to borrow… 😉
Just give this a quick watch… I promise it’s cheesy and wonderful!