Valentine’s Day decor is not something I have a lot of. When it comes to that day, I’m usually more about coming up with sweet treats to enjoy! But every once in a while, an idea pops into my head and I just need to try it out.
This salt dough heart garland was a pretty easy craft to make. The longest part is just waiting for the hearts to dry out. I love how simple it looks and of course you can use whatever colors you like to customize the garland to your liking.
The wooden heart mold I bought worked so well with the salt dough. And I love that it makes the craft seem more intricate, but really it’s just pressing and tapping out dough. (And yes, I’m dying to try the mold out on some cookies. I think my dessert-free January might be why I tried this salt dough heart garland first instead of cookies. 🙃 My kids were excited when they first saw these on the counter because they thought I had made cookies!).
Supplies for Salt Dough Heart Garland:
- flour
- salt
- water
- food coloring, optional
- wood heart mold
- string or twine
Watch the video to see how to make the garland or see the steps below:

This salt dough heart garland is an easy craft to make and perfect as Valentine's Day decor.
- 1-1/4 cups flour, plus a little extra to add as needed
- 1/2 cup salt
- 1/2 cup water
- red food coloring, optional
- wood heart mold (linked above)
- string or twine
In a mixing bowl, stir together the flour and salt.
Gradually add in the water, a little at a time, stirring after each addition of water, until the dough is able to hold together. You want the dough to be pretty dry, but not crumbling.
If you’re adding food coloring, do it now. I just used 2 drops of red food coloring to get a pink color. I placed a couple drops of food coloring directly on the dough and then folded the dough repeatedly until the color was thoroughly worked into the dough. You may need to add flour to the dough as you’re doing this if the dough starts feeling a little wet again.
Dust the wood mold with a bit of flour.
Take a small chunk of dough and push into the mold, filling to the height of the mold.
Bang mold upside down to get dough out.
Place hearts on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Use a straw or skewer to create holes in the heart for stringing as garland.
Bake at 200ºF for 2 hours, turning hearts over half way through the baking time.
Hearts should be dry and hard when done.
String hearts onto string or twine and hang.
The hearts may lighten while drying out, due to the salt. I liked the look of mine like that and left them as is. But you can rub a little bit of olive oil onto the hearts to darken the color.
See more of our Valentine’s Day recipes & crafts.
Beautiful, I’m going to try this!
love this!