Each Christmas morning I go over to my dad and Manda’s house and we eat breakfast together and then open gifts. The little brothers have a Christmas morning ritual of making little piles of gifts next to each person’s seat – they grab a present from under the tree, read who it’s for and then run them over to that person’s seat. Now that they’ve all got a firm grasp of reading, it goes a lot quicker than when they would have to ask whose name was on each gift. So last year while watching them pass out gifts I decided to start a note in my phone of quotes from family members throughout the year and use their quotes as their Christmas tags rather than writing their name. That way when the boys read out the quotes they get to guess who said it! And from all the quotes I’ve collected from them this year, I think they’ll find it quite amusing! You can definitely tell they’re all from boys under the age of 12 – ha! This project definitely takes a bit of planning if you don’t already save quotes from your kids or family members. Haha! But it’s never too early to start planning for next year. 😉
–Blank tags
-A year’s worth of quotes from family & friends 🙂