Just got back from Minneapolis yesterday courtesy of a couple very bumpy flights back home. I fly pretty frequently but it never seems to get easier – I hate it! But turning a 24 hour drive into a 3 hour flight usually ends up winning me over haha!
And now I’m back and trying to wrap my mind around November basically being half over! We’ve got a bunch of holiday posts coming up but before we completely skip over Thanksgiving, here’s a place card idea that you should definitely try this year! I actually shared my original version of this 5 years ago and I still think it’s such a fun idea that I’m bringing it back for you! What you need:
-Mini Pie Pans: Glass or Tin
–Circle Punch
-Wooden Craft Stick
–Hot Glue Gun
–Micron Pen
How to make it:
Make a bunch of mini pies! Punch out a cardstock circle for each of your guests and write their name on them. Glue the names to the wood craft stick. Stick the place cards in the center of the pie and set them out on the table!
Place cards might be one of my favorite easy things to make for a party and it makes me sad that you rarely ever see them on people’s holiday tables!