cloth diapering

I have two in cloth diapers and often get questions about them, so I thought I’d share a few tips. Not interested in cloth diapers…I have included pictures of cute babies in colorful leggings and hats. Win win, right? 😉

.. Buy a diaper sprayer! It hooks right up to the toilet and it’s a life saver.
.. Have a little variety in your stash. I prefer snap diapers, but have found that velcro is much easier for babysitters and grandmas.
.. Experiment with inserts if you have a heavy wetter. Hemp inserts are trim and very absorbant. I almost always double stuff my little guy.
.. Get excited! You will save at least $1,000 compared to using disposables [including laundering costs]. Great chart.
.. Use the sun to get out stains. It’s magic.

.. Don’t give up! It’s okay to take a break if you are feeling overwhelmed, but give it another go when you can.
.. Don’t use diaper rash cream unless it specifies it is cloth diaper safe. Even some of the ‘natural’ brands are not safe for cloth.
.. Don’t expect that what worked for one will work for all. My little lady was always a skinny baby and a light wetter. My little lad…total opposite [have you seen his thighs…delicious]!

.. Charlie Banana Diapers [pictured above on her]
.. Flip Diapers [pictured above on him]
.. Magic Stick Diaper Ointment, Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Remedy
.. Kissaluvs Cotton Fleece Super Soaker Doublers, BabyKicks Joey-Bunz Hemp Inserts
.. Monkey Foot Designs Wet Bags [I use an XL in the laundry room & Medium for diaper bags]
.. Nellie’s All Natural Laundry soda
.. Cloth Diaper Sprayer

Let me know if I can answer any questions, I love to talk cloth. Happy diapering! Marla

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