Our family is a little bit crazy over ice cream. True story: my dad’s Grampa used to eat half of a half gallon of ice cream every night. Every.Night. By himself. (Followed by a tall drink of Alka Seltzer). Another true story: we always have to stop at ice cream places while we’re traveling (sometimes on road trips ice cream stops will be our “lunch” stop). And, yesterday, at our family get together at my parent’s house, there may or may not have been an ice cream run to pick up about 5 gallons of ice cream (we may have wiped out the local creamery’s selection of Graham Cracker Crunch…it was for a good cause…Mother’s Day). And being the good daughter that I am, I’m carrying on the ice cream obsession with my boys. 🙂
I thought I’d share a few of our favorite local ice cream spots as we visit them this summer. Blondie’s is a local ice cream shop in Batavia. They serve Hershey’s ice cream and you get huge portions for a small price. (All the ice cream in these photos are smalls!). All summer long, the line is usually out the door. I’m excited that they now serve a salted caramel ice cream! Another favorite from here is definitely the cappuccino crunch.
Do you have any good ice cream spots in your town? Are there any other families with a crazy ice cream obsession??
Happy Monday friends – go get some ice cream, it’ll make Monday seem that much better! Manda