Vintage Fabric Covered Bunny Ears.

Vintage Fabric Covered Bunny Ears // The Merrythought
Looking for a little extra something for your little to wear this Easter? Try out these adorable bunny ears covered in vintage fabric!
Vintage Fabric Covered Bunny Ears // The Merrythought
Vintage Fabric Covered Bunny Ears // The Merrythought
Vintage Fabric Covered Bunny Ears // The Merrythought
Vintage Fabric Covered Bunny Ears // The Merrythought
What you need:
-Plain thin headband
-Pipe cleaner
-Vintage fabric
-Hot glue gun

How to make it:
-Cut a piece of fabric bigger than the headband.
-Glue a line along the inside of the headband and fold fabric from one side down in. Work slowly, don’t put glue along the whole headband at one time or it will harden before you can fold the fabric down.
-Cut excess fabric.
-Repeat with opposite side.
-Bend pipe cleaner in half and twist ends around headband. I also used a dab of hot glue to keep it in place.
-Wrap pieces of fabric around pipe cleaner and secure using hot glue.
-Pop it on a little one’s noggin. Pure sweetness!
Vintage Fabric Covered Bunny Ears // The Merrythought
Vintage Fabric Covered Bunny Ears // The Merrythought
Vintage Fabric Covered Bunny Ears // The Merrythought
These two! I just love them.


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