Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt

Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt @themerrythoughtLooking for a fun new tradition to start with your little ones for Easter this year? Try out this Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt! They will love running from place to place smashing these blown out eggs to find their clues. Plus it keeps them busy for a while before they start chowing down their candy.
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt @themerrythought How to do it: Wash the eggs. Poke holes in each end of the egg with a needle or tack – you can make the one on the bottom a bit wider. Scramble the yolk with a needle or skewer. Over a bowl, blow through the hole on the small end of the egg and the liquid egg should start coming out. It takes a bit of effort so don’t get discouraged and don’t get too light headed either! Thoroughly wash out the eggs once all the yolk it out and let them dry. Use permanent markers or paint to draw numbers on the eggs. Write clues on small pieces of paper and roll them up tightly and tuck them in through the bottom hole in the egg. (Make sure you write your clues and corresponding numbers on a piece of paper so you know where to hide all of the eggs afterwards!)Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt @themerrythought You can have them take turns smashing the eggs at each place. This is easier to do outside to avoid a mess but we just brought a grocery bag around the house with us and it wasn’t too bad.
Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt @themerrythoughtEaster Egg Scavenger Hunt @themerrythoughtEaster Egg Scavenger Hunt @themerrythought Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt @themerrythoughtEaster Egg Scavenger Hunt @themerrythought Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt @themerrythought The last clue can lead them to their Easter baskets or some other fun treat! Obviously there weren’t Easter baskets at the end of this scavenger hunt but there was a box of donuts! And the boys thought that was pretty grand – plus they were begging to do another one just so they could smash more eggs!

What about you – does the Easter bunny hide your Easter baskets or just leave them out?

xo. Caitlin

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