DIY Faux Limewash Paint – Using Regular Paint

I have loved the look of limewash paint for years. I love the cloud-like, textured, old world look it brings to walls. When we renovated the kitchen and added new rooms upstairs above it, I really wanted to paint the walls with it. But it’s kind of expensive. So, back to what we always do, DIY! We did a faux limewash paint on the rooms upstairs and I love how they turned out! We used a beige-y color in the two rooms and a dark green in the bathroom.

The whole process turned out to be easier to do than I thought. Not as quick and easy as a regular coat of paint, of course. But worth a little bit of extra effort, at least in my book. Maybe not in Mike’s, who did the actual painting. Haha!

We used 2 cans of regular paint to create this look. Then you just need a large paint brush & a paint tray, and paint using an “x” pattern, instead of the typical strokes. And that’s pretty much all there is to it! We did this in the two new rooms upstairs, as well as the master bathroom. By the last room, we had perfected our technique and found the best way to do it. We shared the process of all that in our video below.

bathroom with faux green limewash paint on walls with antique mirror above sink vanity
faux limewash paint on walls in room with wood floors and antique wood chair
bedroom with beige faux limewash paint on walls with antique painting hanging on wall above wood spindle bed
beige faux limewash walls in bedroom with old wood door and black farmhouse chandelier

Supplies for Faux Limewash Paint:

  • regular paint, in matte finish
  • 5″ flat paint brush
  • small paint tray
  • smaller paint brush (for cutting in)
  • paint spray shield, optional (for painting by ceilings), something like this or this

Watch the video to see how we did our DIY faux limewash paint technique:

small paint tray with 2 paint colors in it with paintbrush being dipped into tray
hand holding paintbrush painting beige colors on wall
bathroom with green diy faux limewash paint on walls with wood vanity and brass sink fixture
faux limewash beige walls with antique dresser in bedroom

You can see the bedroom tour here.


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