I love wrapping gifts. There are so many fun and different ways to pretty them up. However, I usually end up waiting till the last minute to buy gifts and I definitely never leave myself any time to do the fun stuff – wrapping. So I thought I’d make up a few gift tags ahead and have a stash ready so that I would be one step ahead in the gift-wrapping scene.
These gift tags are quick and easy to do and very easy to customize in different ways. You can also have the kids paint on some and they can make their own gift tags for their friend’s gifts. (That’s next on my to-do list!)
What you will need:
- Canvas*
- Cork*
- Fabric scraps / ribbon
- Eyelets (mine are from Michaels)
- Glue
- Setter Tool
- Hammer
- Old piece of wood
- String
- Scissors
- Gift tag template – optional
How to do it:
- Trace the gift tag template onto your canvas or cork, or just free hand the shape that you want. (I used a tag that I had on hand to trace my shape, you can google “gift tag template” and there are plenty of free options out there.)
- Cut your tag out.
- Cut a fabric scrap the size you want and glue it to your canvas / cork.
- Cut or punch a small hole near the top of your tag, make sure the hole is smaller than the eyelet you are using.
- Place the eyelet into the hole, making sure you have the flat side on the front of your tag. Turn the tag and eyelet over so the backside is facing up, place on an old piece of wood. (Setting the eyelet will leave marks on whatever surface you have it on, so make sure it’s something that you don’t care if it gets a bit banged up). Place your setter tool over the eyelet and gently hammer the setter to flatten the back of the eyelet. I don’t have the official tool that you would use to set the eyelet, so I just rummaged through Mike’s tool box till I found something that would work. (Search the interent for “how to use eyelets” to get a better idea of how to do it if you’re not familiar with it)
- Thread your string through the eyelet and tie a knot at the top.
* If you don’t have canvas laying around your house like we do, there is canvas printer paper that you can buy, it is a little pricey though. You can also buy a canvas at an art supply store (or Michaels and use a 40% off coupon!), and remove it from the wood frame. That’s a cheaper option, especially if using the coupon, but involves a little more work.
For the cork, I used very thin cork, which I found in the scrapbook paper section in Michaels.
Happy crafting! Manda