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veggie bagel sandwich filled with peppers, cheese, tomatoes lettuce and cream cheese sitting on parchment paper

Veggie Bagel Sandwich

A bagel filled with veggie cream cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, onions and cheese.


  • bagel (savory bagels are best: everything, cheese bagels, herb, sun-dried tomato, etc.)
  • veggie cream cheese
  • muenster cheese
  • red peppers, sliced
  • tomato, sliced
  • lettuce
  • red onion, sliced (if desired, I'm not a fan of raw onions, so it's not included on my sandwich, but it's on the original)


  1. Lightly toast your bagel.

  2. Spread each half with cream cheese (or just one side, I just don't like "dry bread" for sandwiches).

  3. Layer lettuce, tomato, cheese and peppers on one half.  

  4. Top with remaining half and slice bagel sandwich in half (or not).

  5.  Enjoy! (It's a little messy, but oh so worth it).