Merry Moments

Coffee Scoop | Merry Moments @themerrythought
Breakfast | Merry Moments @themerrythought
Quiet Time | Merry Moments @themerrythought
Merry Moments @themerrythought
Merry Moments @themerrythought
Merry Moments @themerrythought
Oranges | Merry Moments @themerrythought
Merry Moments @themerrythought

  • I’m terribly spoiled when it comes to my coffee. Every morning Mike makes it for me. With beans that he has roasted. Using only a French Press or Aero Press. With handmade tools that I insist are much needed. He’s too good to me…
  • I eat eggs for breakfast every morning. I go through phases where I eat the same thing for months. Usually eggs, just cooked differently. I’m getting tired of this though and really need to make some Peanut Butter Granola to switch things up!
  • My morning quiet times are so important to my well being.  The days that I don’t spend even just a few minutes in quiet, praying and reading, I feel off for the rest of the day. And I’m definitely not the mama that I should be when I don’t take this time to quiet my soul and be with the one I love.  And yes I’m rocking a bookmark with my name on it…I’ve had it since childhood.
  • Levi did quiet time with me and I’m so smitten with this vintage children’s Bible I thrifted. Those illustrations…
  • I’m highly amused any time the boys grab Mike’s glasses and put them on…Mike not so much. Oops. I can’t help it…little faces with big glasses are just too much! I always grab my camera as quick as I can. Sorry love!
  • I’m always amazed at how much Levi and Lincoln play alike. They love to be eye level with their toys and make the same (repetitive and let’s be honest, often annoying) noises. But it’s just so crazy how alike they are in this!
  • We got a big box of oranges for Christmas and I’m still using them up.
  • Lately the boys have been all about playing on the Nook. I try to come up with things they can do to “earn” their time on electronics, but sometimes I just need a few minutes of peace and this is a quick way to get it. #momfail

Merry Moments capture small parts of our day that bring a bit of joy and merriment to our lives. There’s beauty and joy to be found even in the most routine or stressful of days. Taking the time to capture these moments helps to keep perspective as well as document these little moments you might not remember in years to come. Capture the merry moments in your life – feel free to share a link, we’d love to see yours!

PS – Don’t forget to enter the giveaway to win a print from Kittenhood!

© 2018 The Merrythought Collective, LLC | Logo by Craig Pierce