DIY Pine Crown

DIY Pine Crown @themerrythoughtThis Saturday will be the first day of winter – although it has been feeling like winter around here for the past month! I decided to embrace the cold a little and make a winter-y crown.
DIY Pine Crown @themerrythought The instructions for this are basically the same as for the leaf crown we made in the fall:

-Cut a piece of the floral wire that is long enough to go around your head and add a couple inches.
-Form it into a circular shape and twist the ends tightly around each other to secure.
-Select your first first piece of pine (you may have to remove some needles so you have more of a stem to work with) and attach with floral tape. Continue adding pieces of pine and other greens and wrapping with floral tape until you get the look you want.
DIY Pine Crown @themerrythoughtDIY Pine Crown @themerrythought Check out our summer and fall crowns as well!

xo. Caitlin

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